Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Took Cutie For a Ride In My Death Cab

Gym Class Heroes is an alternative hip-hop band that most people probably only know for their single "Cupid's Choke-hold". I would definitely suggest that everybody listen to their earlier songs on the album The Paper Cut Chronicles. Although some of the songs are what people are familiar with, almost meaningless but still super catchy hip-hop music, like "Make Out Club" or "Taxi Driver" there are also some meaningful songs on the album. "Faces In The Hall" is the story about a boy named Alberto who was gay and was killed by the ignorant people at the party he when too. This song is really sad but I like the message that it sends with lyrics like:
And night he would cry and cry and ask "God why?"
Like "God, why'd I have to be born this way?"
God would reply, "Son, you've gotta show 'em you're more than gay.

Or "To Bob Ross With Love" a song that is a tribute to art and music and the connection between them.
So open your eyes and listen Combine your ears with vision Or do it cause you love it Or for cash that's your decision
I do like the songs on GCH's more recent albums As Cruel As School Children and The Quilt, but I find their old songs to be more meaningful and not as mainstreamed. But of course they do address this issue on what happens to be one of my favorite songs on The Quilt. The song is called "Don't Tell Me It's Over", and it's basically telling everybody that is complaining that they sold out to keep talking about them but what they're saying isn't even close to true.
Tell them I sold out, say I did it for the fame And how I buy magazines for the sake of seeing my name
Let them keep blogging trash im gonna take the garbage out
Are the lyrics from the song.
Gym Class heroes is one of my favorite bands of the moment. And I like both of the types of music they sing, the joke songs and the serious ones. Oh yeah, it helps that the lead singer Travis McCoy (Pictured above) is extremely awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, I can honestly say I've never heard of the band. But I live under a rock when it comes to music haha. The descriptions of the songs sound great though, I can always appreciate a song with a story in its lyrics. :)
